Neotech Development in Riga exits already 4 years, currently 44 people have found their sense of belonging here. Also there are technical offices in Tallinn and Minsk. Company is founded in 2011.
This time to accommodate the needs of our clients and developed products we're looking for a keen on sports mathematician to join our ranks! If you're willing to learn, have excellent problem-solving and analytical skills - it's a great chance to advance your career!
What your main tasks will look like
Your skills and experience
In return we offer
Lūdzu, ievadi savu jautājumu. Kad darba devējs atbildēs uz Tavu jautājumu, atlbilde parādīsies pie darba sludinājuma. apmeklētāji neredzēs Tavu e-pasta adresi. pievienos linku uz izvēlēto darba sludinājumu e-pasta apakšā.